A good writer is someone, who writes his mind into words. No one is a good writer, it’s just some people who are master in that field and express their views perfectly, so always follow what niche you are the most interested in.

But In the world of the internet, where there is numerous content online, only writing what is on your mind is not enough. Pairing your exceptional talent with the right way of processing it is what makes your writing remarkably good.
Writing content is a dream work for many people. Some write newspaper content or articles and others become successful authors.
You know content writing is the industry creating more than a million vacancies in every 6 months and it has become a must for digital marketing. You need to understand that content writing is not learning English but affecting or influencing the growth of a brand or a business in terms of selling.
You might have seen many websites that hold a lot of content to reach the audience through text-based content generated.
So, let me share my experience and personal knowledge to guide to become an efficient content writer. Well for becoming a good content writer you need to have good writing habits, and you scribble a few hundred words every day and if not, start anytime.
Along with writing habits make sure you have amazing reading habits. As this is very obvious that you cannot write the content until you don’t read.
If you are a pure beginner or maybe someone who has just started with content writing and wants to pursue it this can be effective guidance from where you can learn content writing from scratch.
So, if you want to be content writing and you’re looking from where to start, you need to generate interest as a blank mind cannot make you a good content writer.
What makes these writers good at their work is the difference in how they research and function.
Now to start your professional writing career, there are a couple of ways that will work if done right. So if you are beginner, here are some important tips to make you a good content writer:
Dedicated Research
- Once you plan to become a content writer it doesn’t happen overnight. For content writing you require a creative mind for ideas and that you get through research and observation.
- Research shouldn’t be directly followed by writing and planning. After getting the idea you need to write about that and that can only be done if you research more about it. But now, specifically on the topic, you chose.
Note your research:

- The best part of a writer is that they are great observers. But of course, you cannot remember everything. Make notes or points on the notepad you best mate and keep writing key pointers about the idea.
- You will always have reference pages to look up to but the thoughts of how you are going to proceed with a content piece need to be written down. You can never lack with the thoughts if you have points noted down. Well, this is very helpful for you.
Discover your unique style
Well everybody has a writing pattern. As a beginner, it is really difficult to know what your writing pattern is.Getting into someone else’s shoes and willing to write in an exactly similar style is not how you start content writing? When you research you get to know that there are many writers and each holds a unique style of writing. You can take inspiration from their style but you don’t have to copy this style.
As everybody has a unique personality so as their writing style. The first thing you should do when you sit down to write is to figure out what your bottom-line point is.
After you write, the first round of edits is to make sure your writing stays on point.Every writer needs that uniqueness to gain name and definitely, you are also writing for your identity.
Make relevant content:
- Not everything you write is content. It should make sense. Chose a topic stick to the point and write about one thing only. As every piece of content is written for one single topic.
- Make believable content and Of course, it is okay to discuss a little about related things but make sure that you don’t mix different ideas in one content piece.
- As a good writer, you don’t want to break the flow of the reader and tempt you to search them for a thing else than your writing.
- If you are writing to earn money than you should share your content on social media sites to gain the attention of your readers.
- Many authors believe that when you start editing your content piece, one round of edits should be dedicated to eliminating points that don’t align with the topic. Never try to stuff words in your content which is not required.
So it is very clear that whoever writes is a human and we all have the same status of mind, observation, and sources. So sharing your thoughts through writing which is already on the internet, will make any difference? So of course though we have the same content but here is your most essential task to present with a lot of creativity. And this is how you start content writing
- Your content should involve three major aspects Topic, Idea, and perspective. You cannot write without an idea and topic but giving structure to your content is what your view does.
- See when we say that everybody has a point of view to share that means what do you think about a particular topic and what is your matter? Giving a new makeover to your content piece is what makes your article or blog different from others.
- That unique angle is necessary to gain a reliable audience. It is not always the same that what you write your audience will connect and so here your view work, you need to write with a perspective.
Impress with magnetic title and best lines:
- As everyone knows your first impression is the last impression and the same goes here. Nobody is will read your content if doesn’t have a good start.
- You need to grab the attention with the first instance and that can be only done when you have a killer impression on the reader.
- Before writing it is important to understand the requirement of the reader. Keep yourself at the reader’s place and click your topics.
- Imagine, You are randomly scrolling your social media profile. You come across an article that reads how to earn online. Then, you come across another article that reads 7 Amazing Tips To make money online or 5 Unique Tips For Making A Career online.
- Both the articles may contain the same type of knowledge and content but the latter seems more interesting.
Keep it simple and easy to read:
There are many aspects you need to take care of when you start writing let me explain to you some of these. Well while writing you forget that reader is not impressed by your vocabulary rather will search for that content which is simple and can be read easily
- Most of the beginners don’t understand that making complex content can reduce the interest of your reader. The reader does not want to know how good is your vocabulary or how complex you can write? Rather reader wants the satisfaction for which they have come up to your content. When you write, keep your audience in mind and keep the content simple in terms of words. Even a child should be able to understand what you are trying to convey.
- Do no stretch your content. As a writer, you need to understand that your words are precious so you should use it wisely. Do not write unnecessarily. When you are delivering news on a topic, don’t stretch the truth and give it a new definition. Exaggerating the content change the whole meaning and your content can lose its importance. Keep a dignified content.
- If you are a beginner you need to understand that explaining is good when you are writing about a certain topic. But if you chose content that has to refinance to any other topic, for example, you are writing on a business guide of a sublimation. People visiting your content already know about sublimation than try to engage your readers by making more informational.
- Keep your content sober that means it should simple, easy, and understandable. People searching for any topic will come to find you if you are more relatable to them.
Edit to its best

Well, Jodi Picoult said that “You can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page.” Once you’ve written does not mean that content is amazing it might contain many errors. Though your content should be easy to read it does not mean that you can keep your content raw. Not editing your content nicely can have a negative impact on your audience. No one is going to read content that has errors.
- Eliminate and change sentences that don’t match the flow of the content.
- Remove the sentences not in-line with the topic.
1. Check spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors. You can use different software in the writing field. Some of them are Grammarly, plagiarism checker you should have unique content as there is a separate penalty associated with copying other website content, so precaution is better than cure before it creates any mess checking is the best option.
2. The most important part you need to read the content and understand how much engaging it is.
3. Writers should possibly agree on the length of the article. You can discard information that doesn’t quite fit. But in the content writing and editing process, you might identify opportunities to use some portions for future content Remember that length depends on the context. It’s easy to stick to some content length rules and preferences.
Well, this was the proper guide to become a content writer. But there are some aspects you need to take care of while writing and which can enhance your skills as a content writer.
1. Headline
The headline should be the utmost priority while writing from this whole circle of readers will start. Beginners should specifically take care of how they frame the heading.
2. Stick to your interest
- No doubt, as a writer you should have the capability of writing on any topic from business to novels. But, when you are just starting, picking a specific area of interest is best.
- As writing requires a lot of effort and while writing your interest make you write better and engaging content. For example, if you are interested in fashion you can start from writing blogs, check-outs on fashion that will help you to become a good content writer
Explore variations in styles:
- When it comes to writing your skill need to enhance now and then. Imagine you get a great opportunity but you can’t take it because you don’t know how to write in that style.
- Every niche requires a different style of writing you cannot write a fashion blog into a business guide format.
- It is important to know how to write an Ad copy, blog post, article, website copy, guest post, newspaper copy, or e-book. Of course, many writers don’t do a certain type of work willingly because they lack interest in that area. But, knowing different styles is necessary.
Make remarkable content
- The content should be valuable and remarkable. You need to keep in mind that you are writing for the audience. So you write accordingly if you are writing for business professionals and CEOs, the content should be formal and to the point and if you write for youngsters, then try to keep it more engaging, catchy content.
- Your content should show some impact on the reader. If you are storyteller try to make everything as interesting as possible.
Content needs a conclusion.
- If you need a start like a superstar. You also require climax to be powerful. The conclusion should have the crux of whole content so if people scroll down and see your last lines, they should get the urge to read it whole.
- The key is to cover what you have explained in the article but still leave an impression on your reader.
Practice makes perfect.
- It’s not just a quote but it should also be your motto while you become a content writer. You might have heard this your lifetime but now it has to implemented while writing. You’re not going to get better at anything if you don’t practice it.
- With content writing, there are several things you need to practice. Practice listicles, advice articles, persuasion articles, blog posts, product reviews, discussion pieces, rant articles, and so on. The list of things you could be practicing.
- You can also practice your writing on Quora. Try answering questions, receiving feedback, and it’ll help you improve.
Keen Observation
- As a writer, you should have a keen observation. If you want to write content articles for your blog, for newspapers, for other people on a freelance basis.
- You need to observe what others have done and what do they follow. You’ll have to compete with them, so do what you can to be as good as them, or even better.
Perfect to the T.
As you already know practice makes the man perfect but you also know that nobody can be 100% perfect. But you can try to be the best version of your own. Produce good articles, and you’ll gain a good representation. Starting reading with simple English language then only transfers your soul to a hard one because you will the process in this and it also gives you clarity.
- You have to struggle hard in this field, as a beginner, I would always suggest you to take advice and do a complete homework on it, that’s the simple rule to grow in every single field.
- Decide your niche and start working on that topic or area, so that after a few months you will be more surprised by seeing your writing published in top magazine and newspaper.
You can opt for certification
- Well, certification is for those who want to become professional writers. You can also opt for the course curriculum if you want to become professional content writing and therefore, the duration of the course is just 4 weeks. If you are a beginner with absolutely no idea about content writing you can turn yourself into a professional content writer in just 4 weeks.
- You may choose to top up your graduate or post-graduate degrees with certification programs and short-term courses in skills associated with writing, content marketing, and digital marketing. There are various courses in blogging, electronic rhetoric, technical writing, copywriting, SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), CMS (Content Management System), WordPress, Keyword Research, Social Media Fundamentals, etc.
- Such courses improve your writing skills and competence in the professional market. These are recommended as content writing is getting competitive with its greater demand.
- There are many free courses available online which helps you to sharpen your knowledge in content writing such as: Content Marketing Certification Course and SEO Training.
Added Qualifications
- As a content writer you can go for higher qualification also. Higher qualifications add to your ability to process information and add your expertise to it, and as you grow older, you can complement your writing skills with them.
- For writing as a subject matter expert, added qualifications are required. An automobile manufacturing industry would require engineers to do the content writing for most of their parts and a medical college book would require proof-reading done by a qualified subject matter expert in it. Whereas you require a high skilled knowledge to talk about a particular topic.
How to become a content writer – Content writing tips:
1. Read More
Get it clear in your head It has been said more than a million times by some of the most reputed authors are reading most of the time, reading helps more in writing itself. Reading allows you to understand the variation of tone for expression of a particular theme. So make a regular habit of reading. Try to read interesting genres go for novels, story reading, etc.
2. Journaling
Journaling is advised to all writers. Along with reading some writing habits are important and one of them is maintaining a journal. Journaling has proven benefits in increasing creativity, imagination and writing abilities.
3. Be a blogger
- Sharing your views on sites. Your lifestyle in words and daily thoughts can make you an effective content writer. Having a blog could also give you a taste of professional writing, no matter what you write on.
- Content writing is a vast field in itself and it is also the main pillar of the digital marketing field. You can be a professional blogger, fashion blogger, advising consultant.
- Setting up your blog is free, you can write at your own pace, and you don’t need any qualifications as such.
Content writing actual means to produce engaging content on a specific topic that can be used over the internet over many platforms like a blog, article submission or guest post. The professional of this field is always on a demand.
How to Become a Content Writer in India
When you start writing it doesn’t matter how qualified you are unless you are providing readers interest. While that may feel a little tiring and daunt at first, it does give you a lot of flexibility since you can take up content writing at any stage of your professional life, through any path, and in different capacities. Not to say that you can’t take steps to ensure a smooth entry into the field.
If you want to pursue your career as a content writer or an editor then a degree in literature, journalism, and mass communication are preferred degrees.
Here are a few recommended ways to start your career as a content writer:
You can start as a freelancer. As a freelancer, you can build your expertise and portfolio over time, and set your own pace for work. Companies are increasingly outsourcing their content writing requirements to independent writers, and such opportunities are abundantly available on freelancing websites such as Fiverr, Freelancer, WorknHire, Upwork, etc.
Blogging is the first step for anybody to learn writing. Even if you are not able to monetize your blog, it is still an undemanding way to build your portfolio and experiment with writing styles. You require only a writing style and voice that resonates well with your target audience. So it’s a win-win situation on all fronts.
- Don’t be so creative that a reader struggles to detect your main point.
- Avoid starting sentences with vague words like “this” or “that.”
- Link to other websites, newsletters, and blogs because the links provide added value to visitors and help establish your credibility
- Focus on actionable content that someone can use in their lives or jobs right away.
- Write in first-person or second-person.
- Be careful with humor, which can fall flat for the reader.
- Use profanity rarely because it can throw off someone who may wonder why the content includes those words.
- If you are in college/school, you can also start by trying your hand at internships with organizations (online or offline) or contributing to columns for magazines and newspapers. Whereas it doesn’t matter that you are how much qualified many companies are contributing to make you a content writer if you have caliber.
Last but not least, Feedback:
- As a written opinion of your readers matters a lot. Well, not many can give you motivation there will be times where they people will try to pull you down. However, there is no better way to improve your writing than paying attention to the critics to begin your journey of knowing how to start content writing.
- Sometimes, it happens that people exaggerate just bring down your morale. No feedback is bad feedback. But, when your client gives negative feedback, check what you are doing wrong.
- Take help from fellow writers to know how to write content and get to the core of the issue. Feedback can bring effective change in your writing.
Content writing always comes with experience, so experience the best books, gather the best articles on the internet so that you gathered the best content for your next project or content writing work.
Writing enhances your personality. As anybody can become a writer but it happens very rarely when writers can bring an effective impact on the reader’s life.
Whenever you take a topic and start writing just keep in mind that you are writing with the perspective. Comment down and let us what impact did this article shadowed on you to become a good content writer.